New Concep of kale 99 ( Project Digital Bank )

  The modern banking system started in the affluent cities of Renaissance period Italy and slowly spread throughout Europe and from there to the entire world. As with any human-made system, it has evolved to stay in tune with the changing times. Today, the banking system, aptly called the financial services sector, has expanded its range of services and is set to reach $26.5 trillion by 2022.


This is Evolution

        "Bank" was originally created as the face of the financial services industry; physical locations where people will come to do financial transactions – save their money to keep them secure and capitalize on interest in them. They are also offered services such as loans and mortgages. Banks are seen as a safe haven for the wealth of hard-earned people. Over time, the way banks, and their services, are used depends heavily on the generation of people accessing the sector. Millennials are the world's largest spending force and banks more than any other generation, according to the Bank Administration Agency. 

       To indulge millennials' penchant for technology and their growing need for technology-supporting services, banks are starting to offer digital banking services. But as the world moves toward realizing the financial potential of Generation Z, born in the era of the Internet and social media, banks realize that they need to change dramatically or face extinction.

      Today, a new generation of millennials is driving a sophisticated banking revolution  the "digital bank." According to research, nearly 60% of United State. Millennials will be digital banking users and more than half will shift to "digital only" banking. With three-quarters of the global workforce set to comprise millennials by 2025, the impact on the banking system as we know it will be remarkable.

The understanding of digital banks is a direct result of the needs of millennials and is very different from other generations – the way they interact with brands, different banking needs and less favorable bank opinions in general. And this is where Kale99 provides the solution.

Kale99 is a digital bank that understands the dynamic needs of millennials and Gen Z. By placing customers in the middle of everything it does, Kale99 takes a UX/UI approach to providing integrated solutions to make banking not only easier but also anticipates the increasing needs of its customers by providing personal and financial growth opportunities and strategies.

The kale99 concept is tightly integrated in its name. Kale is one of the fastest growing plants known to mankind. It is not meticulous in its needs and requires little help to grow, bloom and thrive. This is what Kale99 wants for its customers – to thrive and thrive in their personal and financial lives. 99 describes the involvement of 99% Kale99 in the process while leaving only 1% for customers to find out.

" Kale99 is different from other digital banks because it not only creates a financial services platform, but an entire ecosystem for the growth and overall development of its customers through targeted communication, tailored to their interests, daily tips and strategies for making the right financial and life decisions. Kale99 is "green" in all its activities - we make credit cards from 98% recycled materials. We use industry-leading UX/UI benchmarks to create the most seamless and intuitive connections between users and apps", Karl Goebel – CEO of Kale99, says.

Excellent security in the Kale99 ecosystem - all data, like any transaction, secured with blockchain technology and access via biometry rather than passwords alone, greatly reduces the risk of any hacking. In addition, customers are never far from help with customer service 24/7 via chat via the app. Book your Card now, and get these amazing features:

1.     For withdrawals adjusted for zero charges

2.     multiple IBAN accounts per user

3.     secure biometric authentication

4.     zero new card issuance fee

5.     unlimited daily purchases

6.     zero documents

Kale99 invites Ambassadors and Founders to begin this transformation.

       Kale99 Ambassadors and Founders receive lifetime free special accounts and bank cards, priority services, and free tickets to exclusive events, in addition to many other in-app benefits. All these lifetime benefits for a small one-time amount of 100€.

Kale99 currently offers a Payback Rewards Program. To participate in the program, users must refer their friends and receive a refund.
Parting words

       Kale99's efforts are not only to provide banking services to its customers but also to create an ecosystem that eases all kinds of financial transactions while providing opportunities to grow financially and personally through carefully curated and tailored guidance.

       Kale99 strives to be a brand that keeps its customers at the center of everything they do, brands that millennials can identify with. It strives for 360 degree service for real life. That's Kale99's vision. Take action and join us today.

Address: 95 Mortimer street W1W7GB — London, UK
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