Airdrop Defi Stellar AIRDROP


What is YBX ?

YBX is a token platform of the YieldBlox Protocol. YBX holders can risk their YBX for sYBX which gives them various benefits such as a portion of protocol revenue, the ability to allocate YBX loan and loan incentives, and control over the protocol. This utility accelerates the growth of YieldBlox and the Stellar ecosystem as a whole—YBX is token growth! YBX stakers benefit directly from and control the future of YBX and DeFi in Stellar! More info about YBX can be found in our documents.

YBX token Distribution

Before we i nto airdrop, let's refresh this YBX distribution. The total supply of YBX tokens is limited to 1.5 billion. To give a sense of scale, XLM's total supply is 50 billion. Simply put, we don't issue that many YBX tokens. Of these 1.5 billion, 810 million will be distributed over 10 years to protocol users, 375 million will be allocated to yieldBlox DAO treasury, 150 million will be allocated to partnership treasury, 35 million will be allocated to bug bounty programs, 10 million will be allocated to airdrops, and the rest will be distributed to start-up teams and investors.

We designed the YBX airdrop with three objectives in mind:

1. Get YBX to as many real * ecosystem wallets as possible

2. Teach potential future users how to use YieldBlox

3. Develop the YieldBlox community

*We don't want YBX to be distributed to bots or inactive accounts.

With the previously stated purpose, we divide our airdrop into three parts:

Airdrop 1: Verified Lumenaut Airdrop — Allocation of 4,000,000 YBX (September 9–October 22)

The verified Lumenaut airdrop is our airdrop for registered Members of the YieldBlox community. To participate in this airdrop, you must be part of our Discord community, and your Stellar mainnet account must have been created before August 15, 2021. To register for this airdrop, please join our Discord and follow the instructions given. Registration information will be provided later. Community members have until October 21 to register. On the 22nd, we will divide 4,000,000 YBX among registered participants by sending it directly to their wallet.

Airdrop 2: Verified Farmer Airdrop — 3,000,000 YBX Allocated (September 27 - October 15)

The verified result farmer airdrop is our airdrop for YieldBlox Testnet-Beta testers. Our Testnet-beta will be released on September 27. At this point, anyone can visit our YieldBlox web application and request a testnet asset token (your Stellar mainnet account must have been created before August 15). If your account qualifies, we will send you asset tokens that can be used in the YieldBlox testnet protocol. You will get YBX tokens for using the protocol on the testnet just like you would on the mainnet. After the end of the 18-day testing period, you can exchange this YBX testnet token for the mainnet YBX token. We will create a market for basic asset testnet tokens, so you will be able to perform various yield farming strategies to maximize your YBX revenue! Put on your crop farmer's hat!

Airdrop 3: Stellar Ecosystem Airdrop: 3.000.000 YBX dialokasikan (9 September — 22 Oktober)

Anyone with a Stellar account created before August 15th can participate in this airdrop! You will be granted a token on October 22 just by setting up a YBX trust line.


